Config = Config or {}
AtmConfig = AtmConfig or {}
Loc = {}
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Config = {
ExploitZones = true, -- exploit check box zone (Disable if causing polyzone issues)
Framework = 'qb-core', -- 'qb-core' or 'esx' or 'standalone'
Core = {resource = "qb-core", name = "QBCore", abbrev = "qb"}, -- (QBCore Only) If you arent using qb-core no need to change anything here
EmoteMenu = "dpemotes", -- "dpemotes" or "rpemotes" or "scully" or "cylex", or put "other" if you are using another menu
Inventory = "qb", -- "ox" or "qs" or "qb" or "esx" or "lj" or "ps", if you arent using any of these inventories, put it as "other" and you will need to edit the inventory export function, or open a ticket on discord.
DispatchSystem = "ps", -- "ps" or "cd" or "qs", if you arent using any of these dispatch systems, put it as "other" and you will need to edit the dispatch export function, or open a ticket on discord.
Target = 'qb-target', -- Change if you have a different named Target, if you use ox_target leave it as qb-target
DiscordLogStatus = false, -- Choose whether u want to turn on discord logs or not, you need to add a webhook below for it to work
-- To add your webhook go to opensource -> server, line 1 and add your webhook there
Lan = "en", -- Pick your language here
Debug = false,
DrillWithTarget = true, -- Drill with target, if you set it to false, the drill will act as a useable item.
EnableParticles = true, -- Enable particles when drilling the atm
DeleteAtmsOnRestart = true, -- Determine if you want to delete the atms placed on the ground after restarts or not
Resource = 1000, -- At 1000, the script runs at 0.00ms, makes the rope load slower on the player's hand/// At 1, the script runs at 0.07ms, makes the rope load constantly on the player's hand
AtmWeightWhenBeingDragged = 170.0, -- Weight of the atm when being dragged with a car (Lowering it causes the atm to weigh down the car less)
print = false, -- prints atm locations that are placed down for admins
Cooldown = 5, -- Cooldown for atm robberies in minutes [0 for no cooldown]
CooldownPlace = 'drill', -- 'drill' for cooldown initiation when drilling //// 'rope' for cooldown initiation when attaching the rope to the car
MinimumAtmRobberyPolice = 0, -- How many cops are required to be online to start the atm robbery, 0 = no cops needed
Job = "all", -- Which job is allowed to rob atms. "all" is for all jobs/or unemployeed
RopeDisappear = false, -- removes rope from the player's inventory when they pick up the ATM.
RopeCancelButton = 'X', -- Remove rope from hand default
DrillDistance = 1, -- how far away they can third eye the atm to drill it, prefereably kept at a low distance around "1" to look realistic
DestroyATMStatus = true, -- Choose whether u want to display the destroy atm option or not
-- Icons
PickupIcon = "fas fa-wrench", -- Icon for picking up the ATM from the ground
RemovePanelIcon = "fas fa-wrench", -- Icon for removing the panel (1st step)
RemoveCablesIcon = "fas fa-scissors", -- Icon for removing the cables (2nd step)
RemoveMotherboardIcon = "fas fa-wrench", -- Icon for removing the motherboard (3rd step)
TakeCashIcon = "fas fa-hand-holding-dollar", -- Icon for taking the cash from the atm
DeleteAtmIcon = "fas fa-trash-can", -- Icon for delete the atm entity
DrillIcon = "fas fa-power-off", -- Icon for drilling the atm
-- Animations
Animations = {
Clear = "c", -- Clear animations
StepOne = "mechanic3", -- First step Animation
StepTwo = "mechanic3", -- Second step Animation
StepThree = "mechanic3", -- Third step Animation
StepFour = "mechanic3", -- Forth step Animation
MiniGame = "mechanic", -- Minigame Animation
CarRope = 'mechanic3', -- Rope animation
AtmRope = 'mechanic4', -- Atm pickup animation
AtmPickup = 'mechanic4', -- Atm pickup animation
PlaceAtm = 'weld', -- Atm placing animation
-- Durations
PlaceAtmDuration = 5000, -- Duration needed to place down the atm
ProgressBarDuration = 5000, -- Progress bar duration during cracking steps
NotifcationsDurations = 5000, -- Duarations of all notifications, success/errors
AtmPickUpTime = 5000, -- How long it takes to pick up the atm from the ground
DurationToRemoveAtm = {min = 35000, max = 40000}, -- How long it takes to remove the ATM from the wall(Preferably more than 40 seconds so cops can have a chance)
RopeAttachmentTime = 5000, -- How long it takes to attach ropes to the car and atm
RopeDrillingTime = 5000, -- Time needed for the drill animation to finish
MinimumTime = 20, -- Minimum robbery time (clock)
MaximumTime = 5, -- Maximum robbery time (clock)
Config.Dispatch = { -- When do you want the dispatch notification to be sent
Chance = 100, -- (Only works on CrackFail) Chance of the dispatch notification being sent from the below settings (100 = 100%)
Drill = true, -- When a player is drilling the atm
PullingAtm = false, -- When a player is pulling the atm from the wall
CrackFail = false, -- Everytime a player fails at the minigame while cracking
AtmConfig.Settings = {
['Atms'] = {
['Atmred'] = {
['Prop'] = 'projectx_atm_03', -- Prop of the atm
['ItemName'] = 'atmred', -- Item to use to place atm.
['Atmblue'] = {
['Prop'] = 'projectx_atm_02', -- Prop of the atm
['ItemName'] = 'atmblue', -- Item to use to place atm.
['Atmgreen'] = {
['Prop'] = 'projectx_fleeca_atm', -- Prop of the atm
['ItemName'] = 'atmgreen', -- Item to use to place atm.
AtmConfig.RemoveItems = true -- Removes step items after each step, false = to not remove -- "Can use items for other purposes if u want, pawnshop, crafting..."
AtmConfig.Rewards = { -- Atm step requirements and rewards
['FirstStep'] = {
['RewardName'] = 'atmpanel',
['RewardAmount'] = 1,
['ToolName'] = 'blowtorch', -- Required to initiate step
['ToolAmount'] = 1,
['SecondStep'] = {
['RewardName'] = 'atmcables',
['RewardAmount'] = 1,
['ToolName'] = 'atmpanel', -- Required to initiate step
['ToolAmount'] = 1,
['ThirdStep'] = {
['RewardName'] = 'atmmotherboard',
['RewardAmount'] = 1,
['ToolName'] = 'atmcables', -- Required to initiate step
['ToolAmount'] = 1,
AtmConfig.Items = { -- Items list used
Rope = "nylonrope", -- Rope name
Drill = "laserdrill", -- Laser drill name
ToolOne = "screwdriverset", -- This won't be removed after cracking
ToolTwo = "blowtorch", -- This will be removed after cracking
StepOne = "atmpanel", -- First step item reward name
StepTwo = "atmcables", -- Second step item reward name
StepThree = "atmmotherboard", -- Third step item reward name
AtmConfig.Cash = {
['OnPickUp'] = {
['ItemForCash'] = false, -- set this to true to use a cash "item", or keep it false to use normal cash
['CashName'] = 'cash', -- cash for normal cash (['ItemForCash'] = false)
['CashItem'] = "markedbills", -- Item you want to use for cash (['ItemForCash'] = true)
['CashAmount'] = {min = 2000, max = 3000}, -- Cash that is recieved from robbing the atm
['ItemInfo'] = false, -- Item info for the cash item, this is used if you have markedbills that has random amount of money in info
AtmConfig.CashTime = 10000 -- How long until the atm eats the cash (Atm will not disappear if no time is set)
Config.Jackpot = { -- Jackpot atms, allowing players to have a small chance of getting rewarded a bigger reward
Status = true, -- Allow jackpot atms, or not
Chance = 10, -- Edit this if needed, each number corresponds to a percentage chance, 5 = 5%
Multiplier = 2, -- Multiplier for cash reward amount
min = 1, -- Chance, you shouldn't edit this
max = 100, -- Chance, you shouldn't edit this
Config.Vehicles = { -- black listed vehicles from robbing the atms, commented out numbers are the white listed cars,
0, -- Compacts
1, -- Sedans
-- 2, -- SUVs (Example: This is White Listed)
3, -- Coupes (Example: This is Black Listed)
4, -- Muscle
5, -- Sports Classics
6, -- Sports
7, -- Super
8, -- Motorcycles
-- 9, -- Off-road
-- 10, -- Industrials
-- 11, -- Utility
-- 12, -- Vans
13, -- Cycles
14, -- Boats
15, -- Helicopters
16, -- Planes
17, -- Service
18, -- Emergency
-- 19, -- Military
-- 20, -- Commercial
21, -- Trains
22, -- Open Wheel
Config.RopeCheck = false
Config.RopeCheck2 = false